Friday, August 28, 2009


My beloved daddy
May you have a blessed birthday
May you embrace joy and peace
Not only on your birthday
But everyday

You raise me up
With your unconditional love
Despite of who I am
No matter I score 100% or 0% in exam
Regardless I am smart or silly
You love me just because I am your daughter

Over the years
You always being supportive
In everything I do
No one understands me better than you do
You never force me to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer……
You give me freedom
Just to be myself

You are always available
When I am sick
When I have performance
When I join competitions
When I cry
When I need a listener
During my convocation
And ……

Although I am a big girl now
You still call me everyday
Or send messages to me before I go to bed
Not because you are strict on me
It is because you want to be connected to my life
My stories always sound interesting to you

I can go anywhere I want
Be with anyone
As long as my safety is guaranteed
Thanks for trusting me

You put my photo in your wallet
And in your handphone
So that you can always see me
Even though I am not around you
Besides, I am in your prayers everyday

Dear Daddy
At the moment
I am not rich enough to buy you big house
All sorts of fancy things
Travel the world with you
But I never give up
I want to make sure I am the best daughter in your heart
Because you mean a lot to me too

How I wish I am able
To eliminate all your sorrows
To take over your burdens
I know it is hard for you
To face all the challenges
Daddy, you are not alone
My supports are always there too

I am proud
To tell the whole world that
I am blessed to be your daughter
Thanks for being my daddy
I love you

Monday, August 17, 2009


Observation on sheep is what I am working on now. Sheep are simple, yet complicated. They mask themselves well. Observers have to be observant enough to detect minor changes in sheep behaviour.

The contributing factor which worsens the thing is, I am not OBSERVANT. My surroundings look hopeless and I don’t know the best method to look beyond their masks. Sometimes I wonder if it is God’s intention to train me as an active observer in life, the starting point is sheep pen.

God has His answer for my questions. Below is the summary that I have come out from the articles written by Joel Osteen, a pastor in Lakewood church, US.
“Instead of dwelling on problems, focus on God. God is able to turn the impossible circumstances into possible. Choose to hope even when you are in the midst of trials. Exercise your faith, God is there to pour His endless blessings to you. He wants you to live in victory, in every area of your life.”

Right here, right now, I have to withdraw my attention from the difficulties. Lord, thanks for working on behalf of me behind the scene. Even the situation seems not promising, You are able to make a way out of no way. Amen.

Observation, a highly prized skill, awaits me to master it. It is difficult but it is possible.

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