Sunday, March 18, 2012

Grandma’s reversible bag

Here is a bigger version of reversible bag for my grandma.
I have promised her to made her a bag if I manage to buy the fabrics.
I made a smaller one before, please see here if you are interested.

Hmmm, combined effort from my family members contributed to this piece of work.
I was the planner.
My daddy and I chose the fabric.
My daddy paid the money.
My brother drew the draft of the bag pattern.
My aunty sewed the bag by using the convention sewing machine.
My grandma is the one who owns it in the end.

I love sewing machine.
This reminds me of the definition of machine in this movie, “Three Idiots”:
“Machine is anything that reduces human effort”.
Cool, sewing machine fits that definition.
Problems occurred during sewing, the thick fabric broke one needle.
While my aunty did the sewing work, I observed and directed the steps.
I forgot some steps, therefore, we have to cut the thread and redo.
Grandma used the bag already right after it was done.

This was what happened prior to bag making.

LCY: Er, brother, I want to make a bag like this (I draw a smaller one for his reference), but I am bad in drawing. Do you mind to draw it, a big one?

Richard: Sure. Of course I can do it. I am good at drawing, you know, I am an architect anyway.

LCY: ……(Speechless for a few seconds, he is not an architect). Ok, thanks a lot, please draw on this newspaper.

It is good to have a brother who can draw much more better than me. He even “edited” and cut the bag pattern for me. Thumbs up :-)

My father chose this one because grandma has a shirt which is similar to this. The bag matches her shirt. Grandma loves this design also.

I chose this one. Ok, ok, I know, I know. I know this looks like a child’s bag. I have no choice, there were limited fabric patterns. I even saw bears and some other cartoon characters too. By the way, grandma does not mind, red colour is still acceptable. I will continue to hunt for nice fabrics which suit grandma.

In my mind, I start to plan for next projects already.
Perhaps, my turn to use the sewing machine next time when I go home.
Muahahaha, I am so excited.


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