Sunday, August 08, 2010

Special Edition Birthday Doraemon

Say hello to this birthday Doraemon.
It is my handmade birthday present for my friend.
She likes Doraemon.
Paper sample of Doraemon was needed because I am not good in drawing.
The eyes, nose and mouth were drawn free hand by U-Ping.
Thanks to U-Ping.
I can’t imagine if I were the one who drew it.
Doraemon’s face would be ruined and no longer 五官端正.
The making of Doraemon was a “secret untold” mission between U-Ping and me.

What is so special about this felt baby?
First, there is a love sign sewn on the back of it.
That red love is my trademark, which means the felt baby is made with lots of love.
Second, due to my “blur” character, I forgot to put on the WHISKERS !!!!!!
Guess what, I only noticed that after the birthday girl received it !!!!!!
SIGH…Doraemon without whiskers……

Dear Doraemon, I am so sorry.
It is my fault to turn you into a mutated one without whiskers.
Therefore, I have to name you in a special way, so that you will not feel awkward.

Let’s scroll down and enjoy some photos.

Vui Mei- the birthday girl

Making of Doraemon

Doraemon and Winnnie the Pooh

Doraemon and doggie

Doraemon and Mayday

2D Doraemon (left) and 3D Doraemon (right).

The “secret untold”, finally became known to everyone.
Happy birthday to Vui Mei.

p/s: Even without whiskers, the big smile of Doraemon still manages to cheer me up.


-Denise- said...

Wa.. haha.. cute doremon^^ u're really very patient when doing all these handcrafts =)

Jia Ying said...

Denise, thanks ya :-)
I like to make felt soft toys, but only during free time.

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