Monday, January 17, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Waving good bye to 2010, I welcome the arriving of 2011.
At the beginning of new year, I celebrate my birthday.
Wanna wish myself “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”.
Another year is gone, yet, I gain a lot from the previous year.
I count my days by the blessings that I gain, not the days lost.

Looking back, people enter and leave my life at different point.
For those who love me truly, thanks for being with me. Big hugs to you all. I appreciate your kindness and cares.
For those who hurt me, thanks for teaching me to stay strong. I will learn the lessons but I will no longer get angry over what had happened.

Life is wonderful, I shall fill my memory lane with wonderful people and events.
Life is short, I want to hunt for my dream and accomplish my missions.
Life is fragile, I shall treasure every single second I spent with my loved one.
Life is full of ups and downs, every element on earth keeps changing from time to time.
However, God’s promises stay constant.

Emmanuel, God is with us, all the time.
I Thank God for this unchanged promise.
I put my trust on Him, for He will be there, whenever I need Him.
Life is not easy, yet, I know God’s grace is sufficient to provide everything I need in the journey of life.

My birthday cake

Special treat from dear friend.

I awarded myself with this dish on my birthday :-)


u-ping said...

p/s: hehe, 那个漂亮的碟终于派上用场了。

Jia Ying said...


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