Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sweet corn dish

Home cooking is the best.
It holds true whenever we are.
Eating a healthy meal is always a problem for those who live alone.
The foods sold are so dirty and oily.
Tight schedule does not allow busy individuals to cook.
Therefore, accepting the “unhealthy” food sold seems to be the only solution.

It is holiday now.
I grab some time to pamper my tummy.
It has been so long since I last ate corn.
So, why not a sweet corn dish for the day???

Ingredients. I added olive oil also.

1/2 onion, 1/3 carrot, 1/3 red pepper. Adjust it according to individual preference.

The colourful dish brightened my day.

Lunch was perfect with rice, chicken and pork which I bought.

I miss home cooking...


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