Monday, February 27, 2017

Good bye and Hello

At this time point of the year again,
saying good bye might not be at ease.
I do wish the flying time could travel with less speed.

Days may not be wonderful at all time,
but I am still grateful with whatever and whoever I encountered.
Thanks for being a part of my life,
be it for a while or for long.
I thank you sincerely for being there.
I do cherish every single second that I truly live.

More to come, I know.
Let me be equipped with whatever I need to march into a new year.
A whole new me,
with hope and faith,
keep moving on.

I did some cleaning work before new year,
to clear my things.
I decide to keep only the things that spark joy.
A special way to welcome 2017,
more space for new memory and new things.

I have something to say to---

Dear biology notes,
I used to hate you with all of my body.
The biology terms and explanation create so much troubles for me.
The lousy score that I had in my high school was such a shame.
I did not understand what was being taught.
I did not know what was written in the text books.
Anyway, I did learn something.
There is no point for me to hate you now.
Thanks for serving me.

Dear research articles,
Thank you for serving me.
Thank you for providing information and knowledge
that I need for my thesis.
What a hard time I had when I searched and read the articles.
Anyway, thank you for helping me to get good score.

Dear Korean exam papers,
Thanks for serving me.
Thanks for helping me with preparation for
the language proficiency test.
I will not take any similar exam in the future but
I will always remember the joy I had in learning Korean.
The text books and notes are still with me.
Thanks for bringing me so much joy.

Dear school magazines,
Thanks for serving me during my adolescent years.
Such a good record of school activities and class photos.
It is hard to say good bye.
I keep some pages that I really want.
A small part of you is still with me.
Thanks for bringing sweet memory.

Dear English newspaper cutting,
Thanks for serving me.
Thanks for helping me with the preparation for MUET exam.
I love English very much and I have learnt what
I need to learn.
You will no longer be on my shelf but you will always be remembered

Dear all the things that I can't keep,
I can't list out everything
but I want to say THANK YOU.
Thanks for being there to serve me.

I have more empty space now.
I welcome more new things that spark joy.
Spending time to declutter the living place is
a process in which you can organise yourself properly.
Making decision, thinking over and over again,
put it into action, then you will find out the things you need.

I sincerely invite you all to sit down and sort out your things
at the end of the year.
You will gain a lot, although you have to give away a lot of things.
Experience it yourself.

Happy New Year.
May you be surrounded by joy.


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