Friday, July 03, 2009


Last Saturday, my cousin and I went to music house.
Music house.

My cousin brought this with her.

Placing her score in this way, because she did not bring her stand.

A closer look to the violin score. Wow!!! Notes were flying up and down.

While my cousin was busy with her violin, I was busy taking some photos around the music house.
Under the sun.

I found out this opposite the music house.
A “cottage” that attracted me, I felt like I was in a village.
Quiet and peace. I could hear birds chirping too.

After that, we went shopping. We bought these, each one costed RM10 only.
Any ideas of what are these?

The answer is……The smiley faces are cute right?

Look at the grey bedsheet, it belongs to my cousin. I have the same bedsheet too.

Hmmm, simple but sweet Saturday :-)


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