Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2 ~ Postgraduate room

I settle in this room, to do my work.
Never underestimate this small room……
What would it be beyond this door???

I met my gang of good friends here. Daily life is loaded with fun and laughters.
Sometimes, there are not many people; but I still can enjoy the tranquility.

This is my desk, a good place to do my paper work.
Miss Gita sits right behind me. She is a soft-spoken lady who always greets everybody with her sweet voice. Pink is her favourite, it is not surprising that most of her stuffs are pink.
Mr Lan is a quiet guy who sits on my left. He seems like expressionless and nothing around him could enter his consciousness, in fact, he is friendly and mingles with everyone well. Hehe, he is also the supplier of sweets.
Miss Eileen, a sweet girl who sits on my right. We share lots of common interests, be it MayDay, blogging, photography, sewing, baking, book fair and …… She is always generous in sharing all those info with me. I like to hear this---“ Jia Ying Jia Ying, come and see this……”.
Miss Nini, the charming girl sits on Eileen’s right. She is a nice lady who likes to smile a lot. She is so great, every story that comes from her always sounds funny. Nini is able to spread the laughter and make people around her happy.
Kak Inal, a cute vet, sits on Nini’s right. Although she is our senior, but there is no gap between us. Her favourite trick is tickling us quietly with her finger, haha.
Miss Syahaza, a capable vet, occupied Kak Inal’s sit before she graduated. A chocolate lover, and a hardworking researcher. She was the one who rescued me during the bacteria incident that overwhelmed everybody.
Miss Choong, the anime lover, used to sit on Gita’s left. Genetic is her favourite. With her creative imagination, I believe she will be a great researcher.
Mr Faiz is another a friendly guy who sits on Choong’s left. A cheerful guy who smiles a lot, his presence does light up the atmosphere in postgraduate rooom. He is a good cook also.
Miss Krish, a nice staff of Bacteriology Lab, belongs to our gang also. She greets us with her sweet smile in postgraduate room every day. Like Faiz, she is a good cook.

View outside of window. I like to sit here and have good look at the view.
A perfect place to watch the stars also, but I never stayed here at night.
Sigh, I am going to leave this place soon.
Gazing at my dear friends one by one, every smile is craved on my heart.
Hugs to you all, thanks for enriching my life in FVM.
Definitely I am going to miss you all a lot……


绮&黑色杰克 said...

Gambateh ~ by chie

Jia Ying said...

Chie, thanks a lot :-)
we gambateh together ya, hugs :-)

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