Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sort your things out in 2015!

I saw this interesting idea shared by some bloggers, it is about “One a day, throw these things away”. Many of you must be thinking deeply to come out with New Year resolution as a good start to welcome 2015. Well, besides goals to be achieved or old habits to be changed, have you ever thought of throwing unused items on a daily basis in order to keep your living place neat and tidy?

Often, we clean the whole house during spring cleaning. It always ends up with frustration and sore muscles. Gazing at the tons of things to be sorted out, I am pretty sure some of you might share the same feeling as I am- helpless and fatigue. If you are talented in housekeeping, perhaps it is a piece of cake.

This brilliant idea of “One a day, throw these things away” inspires me to manage my house in terms of sorting out some unused items from time to time. Sort out means you don’t necessary throw all unwanted or unused things away. You can donate, recycle, sell, or send the items as gift to needy ones. Practicing this good habit will save a lot of your time, especially during year end cleaning (I think it is still needed because sometimes we only know some items could be disposed during year end). Why not, make it part of the New Year resolution?     

This is my list:
-Receipts (especially those which were several years ago)
-Notes which I will not read anymore
-Extra or unwanted photocopied documents
-Gift papers that I kept (from the gift I received)
-Worn out towels
-Worn out clothing
-Clothing that don’t fit me anymore
-Pens that don’t function anymore
-Newspaper cutting that I don’t need now
-Worn out shoes and slippers
-Hair bands that no longer stretchy
-Hair accessory that I don’t need (I have short hair now)
-Watches that can’t be repaired and used
-Impaired old hand phone and charger
-Folders that I kept for ages but never have the chance to use those
-Extra or unwanted plastics combs
-Unwanted soft toys
-Unwanted handbags
-Bookmarks and small cards that I bought
I wonder how a child’s brain works. How come I collected so many bookmarks and small cards that take up so many space?
-Letters which were not meant to be kept anymore
-Booklets (travel hot spot and other information)
-Expired medicine
-Expired food

Not only I want to throw away solid items, I also take care of my inner mind. I decide to leave all unhappiness, hatred, sadness, disappointments and all negative emotions behind. Everyone does encounter bad times, it is normal for us to dwell in negative emotions sometimes. The point is, we must learn to recover and drag ourselves out from the negative emotions. Don’t stay there forever! Proceed, move on and turn into a new page, there will be light and hope. Remember that, life is good. Live it to the fullest.

Now, take some time to ponder on your buying habits and management ability. Do you notice that actually you do not need to buy and keep many things? Sometimes we just do not have the chance to use those things. As time goes by, we may not need some items anymore, give the items away. Let those items be the blessings of needy ones. Next time, when you desire for something and before you make payment, think twice. From time to time, take a look around your living place, sort things out properly, even one item a day would be just nice. At the end of the year, you will find more money left in your bank account, you save less energy to clean your house too. Oh ya, throw you emotional garbage too.

So, mind to share your list as well?

Not to forget to wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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