Thursday, January 28, 2010


I was assigned a task to take care of the cats while the master student of my supervisor was away for holiday.

This is the “elephant house”, where the cats are kept. The so called elephant house has no elephant :-P

Two rooms to keep male and females cats separately, equipped with enrichment and carpets as well.

Introducing my darling cats
Top, from left to right (female) : Snow white, Velvet, Balo
Bottom, from left to right (male) : Prince, Copper, Tom

According to the student, Prince likes Snow white, Copper likes Velvet and Tom likes Barlo. 3 nice couples :-)

Here are some photos of the cats.

Tom was targeting Prince’s tail.

Snow white : Sun bath is so nice.

Velvet ( a shy cat) : Is it funny to watch me eating??

I used a ball to catch their attention so that I can took photo in this way.

Playing with ball.

Shaking hand with Tom.


Prince : I am sleepy...

Tom slept under a chair.

Copper, look this way !!

Sometimes they were not allowed to come out of the room. Cortisol level rose up to maximum each time I opened the door because I had to make sure they would not run away. If they climbed up high, they were reluctant to go back to the cage. Overall, working with cats is fantastic and happy.

On my way to elephant house, I met some dogs.

This darling is energetic and naughty. I love to give him a pat on head whenever I see him.

I like to play with this fellow, a bit shy but friendly. On Tuesday, while I was heading to the elephant house, this darling ran towards me at the very first moment when she saw me. Guess she liked me right. She melted my heart. I was so touched and happy.

Animals are reasons that make me smile and happy. This is still hold true :-)


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