Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Blister on my hand

It happened just now, I hurt my hand during lunch in a restaurant. The bowl was broken, I did not see it. When I poured the boiling hot soup into the broken bowl, the soup “burnt” my left middle finger. Pain scoring, I would rate it as 9 out 10. After visiting doctor, I felt better…

Sigh... It costed me RM57 to visit the doctor. Sigh again... Doctor Lee was a nice doctor. He helped me to clear the fluid in the blister, cleaned my wound, applied some cream and bandaged my finger. Doctor Lee comforted me that it will be alright as long as no infection. Moreover, my case is not serious. Thank God…

Before visiting doctor. The blister was fresh, still within one hour from the time of incident.

After visiting doctor.
Bear : Wow, my darling Jia Ying has to take medicine…

p/s: 我觉得我很厉害咯,常常大头虾,不是跌倒就是走路撞人,今天还把自己烫伤。希望下次更小心点。


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