Sunday, February 28, 2010

Birthday dinner (19.2.2010)

This was taken during my grandma’s cousin’s birthday, 90th birthday.
I went to the dinner with my grandma.
The lady sat beside me told me that she envied those whose grandparents are still alive.
She never saw her grandparents.
Beyond her mind, she must be thinking that if she can spend time with her grandparents, she will treat them extra good.
I am blessed that my grandparents brought me up.

Before my grandpa passed away, I seldom called him via telephone.
I was thinking, “wait a while”, “later”, “still have time”.
Then, the day ended, night time came, and I went to bed.
Only then, I knocked on my head, I had not called grandpa.
Perhaps, tomorrow.
Unfortunately, tomorrow never came.

Grandpa left this world not long after he was diagnosed with cancer.
Today, I really regret that I did not call him often.
How I wish I still can talk to him and manja to him.

The stupid mistake must not be repeated.
I make sure I call my family always.
I just want to hear their voice, and that satisfies me.
My family members always anticipate my call, that cheers me up too.

Looking at my grandma’s cousin, I do hope she lives happily.
Not to forget, I wish her happy birthday and stay healthy.


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