Sunday, February 28, 2010

Visiting my relatives in Sarikei

I visited my grandma before I departed to Kuala Lumpur. I miss home cooking a lot. My aunty was so nice, she prepared lunch for me. Simple but delicious, I like fried noodles the most. The fried noodle that she prepared did not contain soya bean sauce, because I do not like kicap.

My cousins, Lily and Julian. I was involved in choosing their names when they were born.

Lily was practising piano in another cousin’s house.
Gambateh!!! You will be a great pianist in future.

Julian found this kitten in a shop. Hehe, the staff must be feeling weird, seeing me playing with the kitten like a child.

The day was filled laughter. Spend some time with children really made me happy, our conversation was nonsense but funny.


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