Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cats love

I helped the master student with her cats again.
Something caught my eyes.
Snow white went through a surgery today.
She suffered from pain due to the impact of surgery.
The student kept her away from the other cats in the elephant house.
Though she was separated from her mates, eye contact and sound contact were still allowed.
Physical touch was possible if the cats stretch out their limbs to reach each other through the small holes of fence.

Snow white is not very sociable, she likes NO ONE.
However, love is BLIND.
Tom, the gentle man, falls onto her. (Er, Tom likes Balo at first……)
Sad to say that, Snow white does not like Tom at all.
At the very moment Snow white was in the room, Tom’s eyes never left Snow white.
Snow white was quite active and kept walking left and right near the fence.
Tom followed every step at the neighbor room, kept ‘’meowing” to show concern.
At certain times, Tom tried to reach his hand to touch Snow white.
When Snow white rested under a chair covered by cloth, Tom sat nearby her at the other site of the fence to accompany her.
Tom was frustrated over what we did to Snow white.

Finally, after the last blood sample was collected, Snow white was free.
Dear Tom was relieved too.
He licked Snow white’s ear, with love…(they were still separated by fence)
I was speechless…Quite touched by Tom…
Whoever be Tom’s bride must be the lucky one.
Tom is such an understanding fellow.

I wonder why Tom picks Snow white, she is such a proud lady.
Velvet, the polite and soft lady suits Tom more.
Even animals show their love to partners, in a way like humans do.
Anyway, my darling cats thought me a lesson today, I appreciate it lot.

Tom, I salute you.
May Snow white accept you one day.
If not, please consider Velvet as your true love.


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