Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Dear Lord,
I thank You that You are always with me throughout the year
You never forsake me
You share all my joys and sorrows
It is the end of the year
New year is ahead of me
I declare that the coming year will be a fruitful and prosperous year for me

Dear Lord,
Take the root of negative thoughts out of my mind
I believe that You are working on my weaknesses
To turn my limitations into strengths
Even though things are not going on like I plan
I still choose to trust You
You will lead me to the abundant life that You prepare for me

Dear Lord,
Map out Your plan on me and direct my step
So that whatever I do is in agreement with Your will
I declare that I am talented, blessed, smart,
Equipped with whatever I need
To pursue my dream (also Your dream on me)
I wait with faith and expectancy

Dear Lord,
Thank You for showering me with abundant blessings
Thank You for Your forgiveness and cleansing
Thank You for filling Your peace and joy in me
Thank You for Your guidance
I love You and thank You in everything

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Monday, December 28, 2009


Name: Ah Bi, 啊笨,笨笨 (He is also my brother’s 干弟弟)
Date of birth: Around Nov or Dec in 1996
Date of dead: 28.12.2009

Dear Doggie,
You are our darling since the first time we saw you
You were born at the end of the year
And you left this world at the end of the year too
Moreover, you left on my lunar New Year birthday
I could not stop crying

Dear Doggie
I miss the time I patted your head
I miss the time I bathed you
I miss the time I talked to you
I miss the time I kissed your head
I miss the time I took photo with you
I miss the time you stared at me
I miss the time you sat beside me quietly
I miss the time you knocked on the door whenever there was thunder
I miss the time you played with me
I miss the time you licked my face
I miss the time you pawed me
I miss the time you quarreled with neighbour’s dog
I miss the time you wagged your tail happily when I offered food to you
I miss every moment that we spent together

Dear doggie, may you rest in peace
We love you and miss you
Thanks for staying with us for so long
Thanks for the laughters that you brought to us
Last but not least
Thanks for being our friend, a true friend

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Every year, I yearn for a peaceful Christmas. A warm family get together Christmas dinner attracts me much more than boisterous parties do. I like the romantic and harmony atmosphere of Christmas dinner. No quarrelling and hatred, but laughter and love.

The theme of preaching on Christmas was peace. PEACE, the exact word that impacts me. True peace hails from God, I want it so much. Hustle and bustle life always steals my peace away. Disappointment creeps into my mind when things are not going on well.

I am assured once again, during this special season. The moment I choose Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I have access to His peace. Thank you Lord, for accomplishing Your salvation plan by sacrifising Jesus Christ, Your only Son, just for us. This is the most precious gift I have ever received in my life.

A peaceful Christmas Dinner, hopefully, next year.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Law Of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics stated that energy can be transformed, but cannot be created or destroyed.
Alternatively, the increase in the internal energy of a system is equal to the amount of energy added by heating the system minus the amount lost as a result of the work done by the system on its surroundings.

Let’s do some mathematics.

Increase energy of a system = Energy added (heating) – Energy lost to surrounding

Here are several forms of energy that exist in our daily life.
Working/Studying performance
Entertainment (Whatever healthy activities that bring happiness)
Stress (The force that poses danger to human if not managed carefully)

Substitute these 3 into the equation.

Working/Studying performance = Entertainment – Stress

In order to pursue excellent working/studying performance, we have to make sure that we are in good condition and free from any hazardous elements. Stress could be a driving force for us to move on. Meanwhile, it jeopardises our health if the negative sides of it are not “transformed” (because energy cannot be destroyed). Never underestimate the power of stress, it can be “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. If that is the case, stress could break human’s back. Entertainment comes into play now, an important step in attempting to “transform” stress. Any healthy activities that bring the rapid increase of happy hormones are welcomed. Engaging ourselves in entertainment decreases the stress level to a safety point (this point is varied in each individual).

The above equation makes sense right?

To conclude, a balance must be struck between work/study and play, to offer a good quality of life. Bear in mind that the action of “transforming”stress should not be delayed.

Enjoy your life :-)

Tuesday, December 08, 2009










Saturday, December 05, 2009

God’s time

God’s plan is always higher than us.

God always assigns the right people,
to help us at the right time,
with the right source.

God’s delay does not mean denial

My hope
My dream
My life

I wish to be there soon.

Patient is genius.
Dear Lord, I trust you.
I wait for the victory
that you have in store for me

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


The Hokkien dialect→ Ki Xiao (crazy)
Offers a good description of my current feeling
I nearly went Ki Xiao
With all the endless work
That comes one after another
And some unexpected incidents
Which were accounted for my “heart attack”

Top of the list is this one:
Over the weekend
The most “surprising” event took place in my house
I would recognise it as the story of the year
No doubt, it warrants the Oscar Award
Thanks to the “best actress” of the year
Who is responsible to increase my Ki Xiao level
I was so ANGRY, but
I should demonstrate high EQ

Speechless + Fatigue + Stunned
It is not worthwhile to burden myself with negative emotions
That is why I am sitting in front of the laptop
Searching for vocabulary from word bank
To release my repressed emotion
And conducting music therapy to soothe myself

After so many Ki Xiao events
Perhaps I should alter my thinking
All things happen with reasons
The troubles that I see today
Could be the stepping stones
To promote me to a higher level
Characters shaping process might be painful
But it promises a fruitful harvest

Hmmm…I feel better






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