Monday, December 28, 2009


Name: Ah Bi, 啊笨,笨笨 (He is also my brother’s 干弟弟)
Date of birth: Around Nov or Dec in 1996
Date of dead: 28.12.2009

Dear Doggie,
You are our darling since the first time we saw you
You were born at the end of the year
And you left this world at the end of the year too
Moreover, you left on my lunar New Year birthday
I could not stop crying

Dear Doggie
I miss the time I patted your head
I miss the time I bathed you
I miss the time I talked to you
I miss the time I kissed your head
I miss the time I took photo with you
I miss the time you stared at me
I miss the time you sat beside me quietly
I miss the time you knocked on the door whenever there was thunder
I miss the time you played with me
I miss the time you licked my face
I miss the time you pawed me
I miss the time you quarreled with neighbour’s dog
I miss the time you wagged your tail happily when I offered food to you
I miss every moment that we spent together

Dear doggie, may you rest in peace
We love you and miss you
Thanks for staying with us for so long
Thanks for the laughters that you brought to us
Last but not least
Thanks for being our friend, a true friend


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