Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Dear Lord,
I thank You that You are always with me throughout the year
You never forsake me
You share all my joys and sorrows
It is the end of the year
New year is ahead of me
I declare that the coming year will be a fruitful and prosperous year for me

Dear Lord,
Take the root of negative thoughts out of my mind
I believe that You are working on my weaknesses
To turn my limitations into strengths
Even though things are not going on like I plan
I still choose to trust You
You will lead me to the abundant life that You prepare for me

Dear Lord,
Map out Your plan on me and direct my step
So that whatever I do is in agreement with Your will
I declare that I am talented, blessed, smart,
Equipped with whatever I need
To pursue my dream (also Your dream on me)
I wait with faith and expectancy

Dear Lord,
Thank You for showering me with abundant blessings
Thank You for Your forgiveness and cleansing
Thank You for filling Your peace and joy in me
Thank You for Your guidance
I love You and thank You in everything

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


jia li said...

I like your faith and declaration ... i should learn from u !
happy new year sis! :)

Jia Ying said...

Dear Jia Li,
Happy New Year to you too :-)
May you embrace God's blessings through out the year

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