Wednesday, December 02, 2009


The Hokkien dialect→ Ki Xiao (crazy)
Offers a good description of my current feeling
I nearly went Ki Xiao
With all the endless work
That comes one after another
And some unexpected incidents
Which were accounted for my “heart attack”

Top of the list is this one:
Over the weekend
The most “surprising” event took place in my house
I would recognise it as the story of the year
No doubt, it warrants the Oscar Award
Thanks to the “best actress” of the year
Who is responsible to increase my Ki Xiao level
I was so ANGRY, but
I should demonstrate high EQ

Speechless + Fatigue + Stunned
It is not worthwhile to burden myself with negative emotions
That is why I am sitting in front of the laptop
Searching for vocabulary from word bank
To release my repressed emotion
And conducting music therapy to soothe myself

After so many Ki Xiao events
Perhaps I should alter my thinking
All things happen with reasons
The troubles that I see today
Could be the stepping stones
To promote me to a higher level
Characters shaping process might be painful
But it promises a fruitful harvest

Hmmm…I feel better


u-ping said...

p/s: 事发那天虽然在你身边,可是却没有帮上什么忙真的过意不去...

Jia Ying said...

Dear U-Ping, actually you helped me so much already... You all were accompanying me, and taught me how to disinfect the fridge with dettol...
I appreciate your help a lot :-)

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