Friday, March 05, 2010

Antonio Vivaldi & google search engine logo

I like google homepage of 4 March 2010, because the google search engine logo contains musical instruments.
Colourful and harmony.
Good job, google !!!
Hands up for the team members who designed and shared this nice piece of art.
Truth revealed after I clicked on the logo.
The following appeared.
"It's the 332nd birthday of Antonio Vivaldi, the Italian composer.
Today's Google doodle honors 'The Four Seasons,' Vivaldi's most famous composition. "
Wow, cool ya :-)

Antonio Vivaldi

Another truth to be revealed.
Actually, this is my normal sleeping time.
I should be hugging my bears, eyes closed, in sweet dreams.
Unfortunately, I failed to sleep. WHY ???
I switched on and off the light for N times, read something and tried to sleep.
It did not work.
I end up doing my work since my eyes are wide awake.
Music is the only companion that gives off audio enrichment at this hour. Sigh...
By the way, wish me good luck.


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