Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hachiko: A dog’s story

Movies with tragedy as ending are not in my favourite list.
In other words, I only watch those movies during selected time point.
During the critical period of my life, tragic movies are strictly banned.
The sad ending would trigger my sad mode instantly and it may last for long.

Well, I did not check this doggie movie before I watched it.
I ended up with tears rolled down my cheeks.
Should I comment it as tragic as the doggie died in the end ???
NOT AT ALL. There are lots of lessons to be learned.
This is a NICE and TOUCHING movie, with Hachiko (or Hachi) as the center of attraction.
It was filmed based on a true story.
For synopsis, please visit the following website or google it.

Hachi’s loyalty to his master is impressive.
I agree with the child’s sharing in the movie---“They (Hachi and his master) taught me the meaning of loyalty, that you should never forget anyone that you loved.”
Hachi earned my tears, but I never regret watching this dog story, where I can find the sign of love throughout the movie.
Love this darling so much.
Do watch it if you are free.

Here is a fact I got directly from the movie.
“The real Hachiko was born in Odate Japan in 1923. When his master, Dr. Eisaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University died in May, 1925, Hachi returned to the Shiuya train station the next day and for the next nine years to wait. Hachiko died in March 1934. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station.”

Statue of Hachiko

p/s: Hachi is of Akita breed. Akita are loyal and intelligent darlings :-)


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