Monday, June 15, 2009

Anniversary trip - Thrilling but warming

posted in facebook on 8.6.2009 Monday


Before we went to Bukit Cahaya Agriculture Park
I did not know that you all were worrying about me
If I could "survive" at the end of the trip
If I would be scared
If I would faint
If I would fall
And many many if......

No wonder before we departed
When we were about to start
And during the course of the game
You all kept asking me if I were all right
I noticed that you all kept an eye on me
Backed up me at anytime

I was so surprise
When you all told me
"Jia Ying, you are brave.
We are so worried about you actually.
We are glad that you made it"

Only then, a thought knocked on my head
My dear coursemates were having me in their minds
The word "worry" describes it all

I admit there were times when I scared to death
Screaming at the top of my voice
Breathing deeply in order to stay calm
It was quite embarrassing
When people looking at me
Stuck in the middle of the game

In addition, my stamina was limited
I skipped some parts
All in all
I enjoyed the Skytrex games very very much
What an exciting trip

Most important
I feel warm and touching
You all care about me so much
Wanna say a big THANK YOU
To my dear coursemates
I love you all

To those friends who are not my coursemates
-Adeline, Angel, Jack, and Nicholas
Thanks for joining us
Hope you all join us again



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