Monday, June 15, 2009


20th of October, 2008 was my Convocation Day. Before the Big Day, I did not have much expectation about it. I thought it was just a formal scroll receiving ceremony. Anticipation for the Big Day never ceased because I wish to see all my coursemates gather together like before, I really miss them a lot.
Deep inside my heart, I prayed to God to make my Convocation a special one, so that I can remember it for the rest of my life. God did answer my prayer. He worked in a way that I never thought of, there was no sign at all before my Big Day.
On the very Big Day, while I sat inside the grand hall, a sense of achievement rose within me. Three years of hard work was paid off. Finally, I made it. Each scene that I spent with coursemates went through my mind one by one. I felt great to wear the convocation gown and the mortar board. The platinum hood showed my identity also, telling others that I was doing Biochemistry, a course that I am proud of.
There came the surprises. The first incident that happened took place on the stage. Wherever I go, a blur queen like me always fall down, regardless of whatever shoes that I wear. Right on the stage I took a deep breath, kept reminding myself not to fall down in front of VIP, parents and my friends.
The scroll receiving steps should be like this, one should wait at one end of the stage. When one’s name is called, walk towards Pro Canselor who will be standing at the centre of the stage and stop in front of him. Then, bow to Pro Canselor. After that, take another step forward to shake hand with Pro Canselor and receive the scroll. The two steps are marked by two “X” signs on the stage floor.
Guess what did I do? When I heard my name, I stepped out and gave the sweetest smile. Thank God that I did not fall down. However, at the very first step, I shook hand with Pro Canselor. How come the distance was so long and I hardly reached his hand? Then I heard laughter down the stage. Only then I realized I should take one more step forward in order to shake hand. There was no way to hide my embarrassment, I could feel my face was in red and hot. The photographer managed to snap down my embarrassing facial expression. That made my convocation photo a bit different when compared to the others.
The second incident was a true surprise, awaited me outside the grand hall. I was thrown up by my friends from Ikatan Kristian. It scared me to dead initially and I shouted for help. My friends managed to catch me anyway, I did not fall down. Haha. Being thrown up to the air was great after all, I felt like flying and lots of cameras were focusing on me.
Thank God for answering my prayer. Thanks my dear friends for making my Convocation Day a great one. You guys rock. Thanks for attending my Convocation. Thanks for all the wishes and presents. I swear that I will never forget my Convocation Day.
p/s: Graduation does not mean a stop, we all embark on a new journey after this. I look forward to our next gathering.


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