Monday, June 15, 2009


Blog intrigues me a lot, like a charm, because

It serves as a platform for me
To express my inner thought
And to reveal my mind
So that people around me can know me to a better extend

It functions as updates
To my family and friends
Because the presented works
Are reflective of my recent experiences

It gives me an opportunity
By transforming my thankfulness into words
To convey my deepest gratitude
Only for the ones who deserve my appreciation

Apart from that

Articles presented by friends or other people
No matter jokes, stories, facts, movies, books, music, recipe ……
Like desserts that delight
Never fail to captivate my heart

Immersing myself in others’ stories
And the photos that paint thousand words
Allow me to enter their worlds
And understand them better

Therefore, I like to wander in blogs
Make frequent visit to bookmarked blogs
Hoping to have a crash with surprise
Among the entries
And note down my stories
In my own blog as well

With that
I declare the establishing of my blog
Welcome to my world of words and photos
A place where you and I meet

Do feel free to drop by
And leave your message
Or just a smiley face
If my entries get your attention

It is my pleasure to share my stories with you
May you have a good time reading

Thank you :-)


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