Monday, June 15, 2009

Before Chinese New Year

posted in friendster on 31.1 2008 Thursday

In the blink of an eye, I am in the final semester.
It is the end of January, but it seems that last semester break was just ended yesterday.
Another happy and big season is coming.
I should be showered with joys but I feel lost and attacked by unexplainable fear.

After this holiday, time will pass even faster.
The arrival of final exam and thesis last draft marks the end of university life.
What should I do after this? Will I go far in life? What kind of people will I meet? There are so many questions spinning in my head.

If I were given a wish, I hope there would be another 3 years for me to enjoy university life.
To me, it is a place to widen my scope of life and to cope with different kinds of people.
It is an unlimited horizon to explore and grab the essence of lectures.
That is the best part of my life.

I know I should be brave and take the challenges.
Therefore, I will not give up.
I survive by the quote that a lecturer shared with us before- “It is difficult but it is possible”.

To tell the truth, I am so proud to have a gang of coursemates who are kind, helpful, caring and willing to share.
They enrich my university life and I am so glad to have them around.
We go through joys and tears together; I will keep every moment in my memory box forever.
When I look back, I never regret taking biochemistry as my major in UPM.
One thing for sure, I will not forget you all, my dear coursemates……

May our friendship lasts long……
May you all have a blessed new year……


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