Monday, June 15, 2009


posted in friendster on 26.6.2008 Thursday

B - Brilliant
I - Illustrious
O - Open-minded
C - Creative
H - Harmony
E - Excellent
M - Mature
I - Ingenious
S - Success
T - Team work
R - Radiant
Y - Yare
To my dearest coursemates~
I am so glad that in one of the intersection of my life, I met you all. We come from different states, possess different family backgrounds, different talents, different characters, different ambitions, and so many other differences. Yet, our chemistries match so much; it is amazing that we get along so well.
I am blessed to have you all around. You all are my angels. I love to hang out with you guys, and I really enjoy your companion a lot. I miss you guys so much. I miss the good old days that we spent together.
Thanks for taking good care of me. Thanks for adding sweetness and happiness to my life. Thanks for enriching my university life. I will treasure our friendship forever.


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